Battery Diagnostics and
A proprietary multi-channel instrument suitable for standard 19” rack and 12 or 16 measurable cell groups.
The high current rating of the instrument enables rapid cell rebalancing and capacity verification.
+ Identification of abnormal/outlying modules/cells for replacement
+ Matching of replacement modules/cells to repair a battery pack
+ Rapid rebalancing of replacement battery modules for re-entry into service
+ Enterprise Battery Tracking
Instrument for Battery Diagnostics and Characterization of a Single Battery Module
How it works
The Nyquist Plots of Z, combined with V, I and T and other data such as capacity measurements, are stored in a cloud data base
AI (Advance Machine Learning) is used to analyze the data, identify unhealthy battery cells or cells groups and categorize them
Charging/discharging for capacity measurements and balancing are performed by a controllable power supply
An operator interface terminal controls the Instrument and provides an overview of all measurements
A life-record is stored in a cloud data base for retrieval by a multi-window dashboard
+ Module Impedance Scan for categorization (green, yellow, red)
+ Deep impedance scan of each measurable cell group within the Module
+ Integrated capacity test with charge/discharge rate up to 120A
+ Battery Pack/String repair features:
− Rapid Cell balancing up to 2.5A using an external Module connection
− Module voltage balancing to Pack/String
With our foundational technology and building blocks, we build instruments and battery management systems to address the needs of numerous markets
Grid Energy Storage Systems
Heavy Use EVs/Mobility
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Battery Pack Repair
Recycling Facilities
Second-Life Battery Modules